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HigherEdJobs is the leading source for jobs and career information in academia. During 2011, more than 4,710 colleges and universities posted over 97,920 faculty, administrative and executive job postings to the company's web site. HigherEdJobs is now visited over 2.5 million times a month by 1,054,000 people (verified by Google Analytics).

HigherEdJobs was named one of the Top 100 employment sites by WEDDLE's LLC, publisher of the annual Guide to Employment Sites on the Internet, during 2009/10 and 2011/12. According to Peter Weddle, publisher of WEDDLE's, the Top 100 represent "the elite of the job board industry. They have the strongest brands, the best services and the most distinguished track records of the sites we've seen on the Web." HigherEdJobs was selected to the Top 100 out of an estimated 100,000 employment web sites.

One of the keys to HigherEdJobs is focus - not just on higher education, but on job and career information. Compared to news sites that also list jobs in higher education, users will find HigherEdJobs significantly easier to use. On HigherEdJobs, candidates start their search on the homepage and within a few clicks see a comprehensive list of jobs in their academic or administrative area. This makes HigherEdJobs incredibly easy for candidates to find the jobs they are looking for, apply for them, and get on with their lives.


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